Joe McMoneagle, a retired Special Project Intelligence Officer for SSPD, SSD, and 902d MI Group, claims to have left Stargate in 1984 with a Legion of Merit Award for providing information on 150 targets that were unavailable from other sources. In November 1986, a remote viewing subject who was sent to Saturn’s moon Titan reported seeing a base on Titan’s surface. (2017). [1] The project was overseen until 1987 by Lt. Frederick Holmes "Skip" Atwater, an aide and "psychic headhunter" to Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine, and later president of the Monroe Institute. The dispute might benefit from a link to the actual FOIA documents. The sandy pyramid is now shimmering and metallic, and vague forms of gigantic thin people can be made out. This all changed when the CIA posted a vast cache of close to 12 million pages of declassified documents online, which include information on UFO sightings, Nazi War Crimes, Project Stargate … Among the notes included in the Stargate documents are several records of remote viewing sessions. [13], In early 1979 the research at SRI was integrated into GRILL FLAME, which was redesignated INSCOM CENTER LANE Project (ICLP) in 1983. Over time, the SRI would produce dozens of classified documents which would eventually be included in the Project Stargate FOIA release. [39], U.S. Army investigations of psychic phenomena, "Some of the intelligence people I've talked to know that remote viewing works, although they still block further research on it, since they claim it is not yet as good as satellite photography. I cannot guarantee that I remembered it all (or that every item is an exact match for what I used), but I think the list is rather complete. The term "remote viewing" emerged as shorthand to describe this more structured approach to clairvoyance. David Marks noted this was a serious weakness for the experiments as May had conflict of interest and could have done whatever he wanted with the data. Various programs were approved yearly and re-funded accordingly. They both correctly identified the Great Red Spot and the vast dark cloud which trails behind it. Create collections, add documents and modify them within your database. As a child, he had visions at night when scared, and began to hone his psychic abilities in his teens for his own protection when he hitchhiked. I spent months setting up an easy to use and hyperlinked annotated index of the 20 yrs of research. Here are 10 of the project’s most stunning documents." The Stargate Project was terminated and declassified in 1995 after a CIA report concluded that it was never useful in any intelligence operation. Further, even if it could be demonstrated unequivocally that a paranormal phenomenon occurs under the conditions present in the laboratory paradigm, these conditions have limited applicability and utility for intelligence gathering operations. Supposedly beginning in 1972 but with its official start in 1990, Project Stargate involved a number of investigations into the paranormal by the CIA and partner organizations such as These are offered only as suggestions to assist in developing project documents; they are not mandatory formats. An old sandy pyramid, so tall it boggles the mind (later estimated to be some 20 kilometers (12 mi) high), emerges from a deep depression in the ground. Area2 - interesting documents from the CIA released Star Gate archives detailing many experiments and the science and theory behind Remote Viewing. [1] Marks wrote that there were six negative design features of the experiments. However, with the declassification of Stargate, we’ve learned some bizarre things about it. As of 2017, Project Farsight is still an active CIA operation. It seems a cataclysm has occurred. The U.S. Intel, Worried by the expansion of Russian research into physic functioning in the late 1960's and early 70's, took the decision to explore psychic functioning. There’s no one like Uri Geller to get skeptics and believers throwing verbal fists in the YouTube comments section. They say they are an ancient race, doomed to die if those who left in search of another home do not return. Released to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the bombing, Jayna Davis’s The Third Terrorist questions whether Iraqi terrorists, operating with the blessing of Iran, may have actually organized the bombing. It is deployed between client applications and a database to provide an abstraction layer that can be used to shape your data access to fit your application’s needs. Other special file is a collection of reports of flying saucers or formula for invisible ink, today informed BBC television. Most importantly, the information provided by remote viewing is vague and ambiguous, making it difficult, if not impossible, for the technique to yield information of sufficient quality and accuracy of information for actionable intelligence. However, the CIA occasionally explored the mind’s potential to directly affect physical matter, a phenomenon known as psychokinesis. From 1922 to 1928, many paranormal research papers were published in Russian research universities. Yet Carl Spengler, an on-call physician at a nearby hospital, was the first responder on the scene of the bombing—the first person to view the devastation which had just unfolded.[10]. [Apx. In 1973, he and fellow CIA remote viewer Harold Sherman were sent to Jupiter. STARGATE Dataset by Central Intelligence Agency. Listverse is the perfect platform for sharing his predilection for the paranormal and the mind-blowing. Astra now offers offers a Document API via Stargate, which allows you to use your Astra database as a document database. In the meantime, be careful what you’re looking at, because someone … The files even suggest that the first humans may even be the descendants of this Martian race. This was standard operating procedure throughout the years of military and domestic remote viewing programs. We’d like to help! Burisch holds disconcerting great information about extraterrestrials, the time machines called “Looking Glass”(Orion Cube Stargate), the plans of the secret … About 13 million pages of declassified documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been released online. Try the Index, Module Index or the detailed table of contents. Reviews were made semi-annually at the Senate and House select committee level. [20], David Marks in his book The Psychology of the Psychic (2000) discussed the flaws in the Stargate Project in detail. A newly released cache of CIA documents reveals UFO sightings and psychic experiments from the "Stargate programme", which has long been of interest to conspiracy theorists. Among the millions of declassified documents that the CIA uploaded to its site this week, quite a few reveal information about the Stargate Project, a … [15], In 1977 the Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) Systems Exploitation Detachment (SED) started the GONDOLA WISH program to "evaluate potential adversary applications of remote viewing. While parapsychology was never an officially recognized branch of science in the USSR, more than 30 academic centers in Russia were dedicated to the study of psi phenomena by 1967. [13], In 1991 most of the contracting for the program was transferred from SRI to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), with Edwin May controlling 70% of the contractor funds and 85% of the data. The goal of the experiment was to get Subject 052 to successfully describe a particular object, a silver Navajo necklace stored some distance away. Consider Kubernetes, for example. BANGLADESH. Study of Paranormal Phenomena By Means of Experiments at Microscopic Level. Between 1972 and 1995, the CIA and other US governmental organizations asked dozens of young citizens to explore an unconquered frontier: the realm of the psyche. The CIA has revealed details of its "Project Star Gate" mission to develop psychic abilities for the first time. Getting help¶. When sent to Mount Hayes in Alaska, the remote viewer reported seeing two “entities” working outside a structure. Stargate only received a mission after all other intelligence attempts, methods, or approaches had already been exhausted.It was reported that there were o… Their apparently successful results garnered interest within the U.S. Department of Defense. [4] The CIA subsequently cancelled and declassified the program.[13]. Stargate Project was the 1991 code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. Commonly found in the Stargate documents are handwritten records of remote viewing sessions with simple sketches and graphics. Sensing of Remote EM Sources (Physiological Correlates) APR 78. As with America’s other most memorable terrorist attack, many have questioned the official narrative of the Oklahoma City bombing. While Swann was monitored by CIA personnel somewhere in the SRI laboratories in California, Sherman was relaxing in his specially built sensory deprivation tank at his home, hundreds of miles and two time zones away.[9]. Some commentators have confused a "Project Jedi", allegedly run by Special Forces primarily out of Fort Bragg, with Stargate. In a 1995 letter Edwin C. May wrote he had not used Swann for two years because there were rumors of him briefing a high level person at SAIC and the CIA on remote viewing and aliens, ETs. This week, the Central Intelligence Agency posted its CIA Records Search Tool database online, making roughly 930,000 declassified documents---over 12 million pages in all-- … The possibility of cues or sensory leakage was not ruled out, no independent replication, some of the experiments were conducted in secret making peer-review impossible. Thus, we conclude that continued use of remote viewing in intelligence gathering operations is not warranted. And that is where Stargate could go from an interesting, single-vendor project into something much more noteworthy. Schnabel Jim (1997) "Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies" Dell, 1997 , Richelson Jeffrey T "The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology", Mandelbaum W. Adam "The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex", Picknett Lynn, Prince Clive "The Stargate Conspiracy", Chalker Bill "Hair of the Alien: DNA and Other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abductions", Constantine Alex "Psychic Dictatorship in the USA", Jacobsen, Annie.
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