Calathea White Fusion. Tiffany R. Jansen is a freelance writer who isn't really much of a cat person, but her dog definitely is. Top 10 Pet-Friendly Houseplants Calathea Makoyana (Peacock Plant) Every variety, from Rattlesnake Calathea to the Peacock Plant, is nontoxic to cats and dogs. Now the only problem is picking which one to buy! ... A calathea is an excellent choice for a shady spot in the house, as too much light can cause the foliage color to fade. If you are looking for a pet-safe option of a leafy, green houseplant, then try our Calathea or Chamaedorea. So I found some nontoxic plants, just for you. Calathea ornata Calathea Orbifolia (by The Gardening Queen) Calathea Makoyana Maranta Calathea Roseopicta Calathea Care. Interesting Tidbit: Sometimes Calathea can be sensitive to water. They are not only safe for cats but can also take quite a bit of abuse from a curious cat. Cats are especially expert at climbing and getting into places we’d otherwise think as unattainable. Understanding their care and needs is crucial before an impulse buy occurs. The 15 best cat-safe indoor plants that are not only easy to look after but will look amazing in your home too! The Zebra variety has extremely distinct broad-striped leaves that make a great accent for any room. Houseplants are stylish, but are they safe for your pets? Calatheas are crazy pretty, safe for cats and safe for dogs and purify the air. 10 of 19. When looking for houseplants safe for cats, look no further than echeveria. Top 10 Pet-Friendly Houseplants Calathea Makoyana (Peacock Plant) ... We hope you enjoyed our article Low Light Indoor Plants Safe For Cats | Cat Safety And Easy Growing, and it was informative for you. Calatheas are gorgeous but it’s no secret they’re a tad dramatic. Height: 15 cm Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants List. Calathea – (Calathea Lancifolia) This is a very attractive plant with thin stems and pattern the leaves generally with hints of red, cream, and green. Calathea plants in general are safe for your cats to be around. Cats tend not to bother with echeveria, as they don’t have large wavy leaves that cats seem to like to play with and chew on. And check out these 12 Toxic Plants for Dogs . Keep your cats and dogs safe with these non-toxic houseplant options. Even if your cat has a nibble, they are harmless. ). In the meantime, here are some ideas for beautiful houseplants, that are non-toxic to cats and dogs! Keep your cats and dogs safe with these non-toxic houseplant options. Calathea Zebra — Calathea Zebrina Credit: Mokkie, Wikimedia Commons. If you want to learn more about houseplants that are toxic to cats or dogs, then check out the complete list compiled by the ASPCA . Friendship Plant. Cat-Safe Plants 1. Trading in plants known to be toxic for more feline-friendly ones is a huge step towards creating a safe environment for your cat. Luckily, most succulents are safe for pets and there are so many varieties in the succulent family that are non-toxic to dogs and cats. 21. Calathea plants in general are safe for your cats to be around. I leave you with a selection of my cat-safe urban jungle below, and as we are talking about cats, I feel it would be amiss not to share my favourite ever picture of the resident tuxedo cat in our house, Dinah, asleep (like a human, because she has grand delusions like that! To help you select the best cat-friendly plant for your home we’ve included the scientific name to prevent any identification mix-ups. I’ll just remind you once more that these aren’t a beginner plant – just remember that your love for them will trump this challenge. Please note: I’m not a veterinarian and although these plants are listed as safe by the ASPCA, it’s possible that an individual animal may still experience an allergic reaction. Calathea Image: Noemie Cedille blog; Boston Fern Image: Bakker. With this list, we can now all bask in variegated plant heaven, even alongside Mittens the cat and Bert the dog. Finally, don’t take the chance, even if you think that hanging plant is out of reach.
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